News Anchor for iPad

See only news you need at every meal without needing to carry your laptop

News Anchor for iPad (Vicki Voice)

Reading RSS feeds on your iPad during lunch saves time and keeps you up to date with relevant news. Problem is RSS readers like Flipboard is problematic when you use it while eating: you need to “flip” each article and thus juggle your meals and the iPad at the same time. Do you notice that your shiny iPad becomes oily and smudgy every time you take it to lunch?

We’re bringing News Anchor to your shiny Apple tablet so you can keep it shiny and clean even when you use it to read the news while having meals. With News Anchor on your iPad, you can enjoy your favorite blogs and news site on your iPad while enjoying your meal at the same time.

But we need your help and support! We need you to enter your e-mail address below so that we know that you want News Anchor on the iPad. We’re also looking for alpha & beta testers to iron out the kinks in News Anchor for iPad!

What are you waiting for? Enter your e-mail address below and sign up to be a beta tester! Also get your friends and their friends to enter their e-mail addresses. We won’t spam – promise!

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