Tag Archives: Using News
How to speak like a professional and improve your speech by training yourself the American English accent using News Anchor.

Speak Like a Professional

How to speak like a professional and improve your speech by training yourself the American English accent using News Anchor.

Washing the dishes

Doing Chores While Reading Your Favorite Feeds

With News Anchor you can now listen to your favorite news feeds while doing household chores. Its text-to-speech voice frees you up from having to stare at the computer screen to read RSS news.

Supreme Court

How Lawyers Benefit by using News Anchor

If you are a lawyer or someone who works in the legal profession, you can use News Anchor to save time keeping up-to-date with world events.


Improving English lessons with News Anchor

The profession of teaching naturally has the potential to greatly enrich the lives of many individuals. Of course, certain concepts and objectives will be fairly easily understood by most students, sometimes, however, a more creative approach may be required. Incorporating audio and especially visual aides into a teaching program can be an effective way of […]