Archive by Author

Speech Timer for Android Progress

Finally Speech Timer for Android is at its final stage. All the functionality is working, except for the Speech History section and the accelerometer function. Which I hope can be finished in one month.


Spam SMSs from M1

While sipping a cup of Joe and flipping through the SMSs that I received. I couldn’t help to notice the large amount of spam SMSs I received. Well, partially those spam SMSs are of my own fault, you know when you fill in a form and they asked for your mobile number, apparently in Singapore […]


Speech Timer for Android Progress

(Update: Speech Timer for Android is Live!) Hi All, I know progress have been slow. But there have been so many things going on. Right now, I have finished making the initial screens for Speech Timer. Only 3 screens for now, but I hope I can add it up. The difficult part about android the […]


Podcasting your RSS feed?

With a world streaming with information, gushing from all over the place, you would ask, who needs another one? But the internet is not created equally in all parts of the world, especially in third world countries. While I was visiting my family in Indonesia. I realized how awful the internet connection there, except when […]

Fund Watch for Android

Today I am announcing what have been my work for several months, which is making the Fund Watch application for Android devices. Why would you say? Its not that we’re slowly abandoning the iPhone. We’ve been monitoring the market share of Android devices is growing, and it’s high time I guess for us to release […]

An Eye for an Eye, Obama grandmother is next?

An African al Qaeda branch issued a personal threat against Obama’s grandmother not long after Bin Laden’s death. Though security had been added to the elder Obama’s house the day after bin Laden was killed in fear of reprisals, the number of patrolling officers has ballooned since Al Shabaab’s threat was issued. One police chief […]

First kiss in Developing Adroid application

First, don’t get me wrong, I think writing Adroid application is a lot easier than writing Blackberry application. The documentation is a lot easier to read and understand for the average people. But since I am also doing a full time job which from time to time demands me to do overtime, I need to […]


Designing the world’s most beautiful news caster

How we use the golden ratio to create gorgeous characters for News Anchor for Mac OS X. It wasn’t an easy process and takes a lot of trial and errors.